Sunbury & Organ's Bedfords

Where the journey is as important as the destination


Donric Group is a network of Australian-owned and operated bus transport providers. Our range of services include Government-contracted Metropolitan Route Services, School Bus Services, Rail Replacement, Event Transport, Charter, Extended Tours, Safari Tours, Corporate Travel and Conferences.

Our expertise is broad, from school groups to senior citizens to corporate events and we actively collaborate with other companies and organisations for tours and charters. Our vehicles operate in areas including Metropolitan Melbourne, regional Victoria and Far North Queensland.


Established in 1980, Sunbury Bus Service and the Donric Group has flourished from a modest fleet of 8 vehicles to over 300 buses and coaches today.

8 vehicles purchased from WJ Treweek. Sunbury Bus Service and Donric Group are born!
March 1980
Victorian State Government introduces 2 new trial route services to Sunbury – North and South. These would later become routes 481 and 485.
August 1980
Coach Tours of Australia was established as part of the Donric Group, to provide premium coach touring services across all of Australia
January 1989
Donric Group acquires Sweet’s (Bacchus Marsh, Vic). The business is renamed Bacchus Marsh Coaches
March 1989
Swanlink Coachlines (Swan Hill, Vic) was purchased
Thege Coaches (Ballarat, Vic) purchased and rebranded as Gold Bus Ballarat
July 2000
Begonia City Coaches (Ballarat, Vic) purchased and incorporated into Gold Bus
Swanlink Coachlines business sold to Swan Hill Bus Lines
June 2007
Organ’s Bus Service (Kyneton, Vic) purchased from the Organ family. Initial fleet of 51 buses
October 2007
Trans North Bus & Coach (Ingham, Qld) purchased from the Paronella family. Coopers Bus Service (Mirani, Qld) purchased from Bevan Cooper and incorporated into Trans North.
June 2010
Hendersons (Ayr, Qld) purchased and incorporated into Trans North
January 2011
Bowen Transit (Bowen, Qld) purchased as a subsidiary of Trans North
Bacchus Marsh Coaches and Gold Bus Ballarat businesses sold to Christians Bus Co as part of a business divestment process.
September 2019
Melbourne on the Move business purchased from Glenn & Carolyn Goodchild. MOTM specialises in mass passenger transport for major events across Australia.
August 2023
Floods Motor Services (Bendigo, Vic) purchased from the Flood family. Initial fleet of 16 buses.
June 2024

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Donric Group is an ISO certified business and accredited for Quality (ISO 9001:2015), Environment (ISO 14001:2015) and Occupational Health & Safety (ISO 45001:2018)

Sunbury Coaches, Organ’s Coaches and Floods Motor Services are all accredited Bus Operators with Safe Transport Victoria. Trans North Bus and Coach is an accredited Bus Operator in Queensland.

Our drivers all complete thorough induction training and regular re-training to ensure that they are operating at or above appropriate standards.  Our businesses are committed to social procurement and in providing high quality transport options for the communities we service.